Voici différentes cartes décrivant brièvement les 3 étapes de notre voyage : l'Asie du Sud-Est, la Nouvelle-Zélande ainsi que l'Amérique du Sud.

On the first map you can see that our trip is divided into three stages. The first part of our trio we will spend in South East Asia, the second part in New Zealand and the final part of the trio will be in South America.

Nous démarrons par le Sud-Est de l'Asie où nous traverserons successivement la Thaïlande, le Laos, le Cambodge et enfin le Vietnam. Cette première étape devrait durer 6 mois et s'étendre sur une distance approximative de 5000 km. Suite aux récentes inondations du centre de la Thaïlande et de la capitale, nous avons écourté le début du trajet en rejoignant directement Chiang Mai, dans le nord.

Our first flight is taking us to Bangkok. In our original plans we were supposed to cycle northwards from there onwards. But as we all know, few things ever go to plan. Due to the current flooding in Thailand we were forced to change plans, so we booked an onwards flight to Chiang Mai - there our tour will hopefully start as planned.



Nous parcourrons ensuite environ 2000 km sur l'ile sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande pendant 2 mois.
Our second destination is New Zealand. We have planned to cycle once around the south island visiting beaches, glaciers and some cities. This will probably take up about two months.

We might stay in New Zealand for some time after our travels in order to work and fill our empty wallets a little bit. At this point, we haven't planned how long we might stay there - just see how it goes!


L'Amérique du Sud constitue notre troisième et dernier étape ou nous espérons pouvoir relier, en 5 mois, le Pérou à la Patagonie.

Our final destination is South America. This part of the trip in not planned in much detail so far - it still seems so far away! We have an idea about where we want to start and where the trip will end, but that's about all.

We are planning on starting in Lima, in Peru and cycle southwards passing trough Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. If we are in a good shape towards the end of our trip we would love to cycle up to Patagonia to visit the glaciers. Depending on how much we are cycling and taking public transport, this will take us probably 5 months.

The first few weeks we will spend in the North of Thailand, cycling from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, visiting some National Parks and Elephant schools. From there we plans to cycle towards Laos, crossing the boarder on a boat. We will spend our Christmas and New Year in Laos before crossing the boarder to Cambodia to visit the ancient sites of Angkor Watt and some floating villages. Our final destination in South East Asia will be Vietnam, where we plan to cycle from the south up to the north. The total time we have planned in South East Asia is about six months.

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