Hello and welcome to our Blog!

Here is a little bit of information about us for those of you who don't know us yet. We are Olivier and Friederike.

Olivier, 27 years old, is from Belgium. For those of you who don't know Belgium, its a tiny country known for its delicious beer and chocolates :) Its located next to Germany which you will probably know due its football and cars. Well that's where Friederike (yes, its a girl's name!) 28 years old is from.

We both love traveling and have decided to take some time out to do so! On this blog we will share our experiences and photos with you. We hope you will enjoy it!


2 commentaires:

  1. Hey, I just found your blog. Great stuff! Enjoy the rest of your journey.


  2. Bonjour!
    Beau voyage et superbes images! La RTBF Radio à Namur souhaiterait parler de votre expérience à la fin de votre périple. Quand avez-vous programmé votre retour?
    Merci de votre réponse!
    D'ici là, bon amusement!
    Pierre-Yves Millet
    RTBF Radio
